Why choose satin for a pillowcase?
Satin is one of the finest and densest weaves available. Generally, the higher the fiber ratio per cm², the higher the fabric’s quality and the better it feels against the skin. For example, a plain weave consists of two fibers or yarns aligned together in a crisscross pattern in a one-to-one ratio. In a satin weave, however, the ratio is four to one, which generates the glossy look and smooth texture on one of the two sides of the fabric. This is why Satin is the ideal bedding fabric – elegant, soft and visually attractive.
High-quality fabrics
Bedding with a thread count of 60 pro cm² is considered to be high quality. The thread count of our fabrics is 106 pro cm².
As measured in Number English (Ne), a unit used to measure the fineness of a thread (the higher the count, the finer the thread), a high-quality bedding product should have a score of 40 to 80 Ne. We use thread with a fineness of 60 Ne. As such, we haven’t chosen the finest possible, as the thinness of a thread can affect the robustness of the fabric. It was important for us to have a balance between fineness, comfort, softness and durability. |