While keeping any night time routine is helpful for babies, certain bedtime rituals have been shown to help babies fall asleep faster. A daytime routine gives babies a sense of security and a familiar bedtime ritual makes it easier for them to fall asleep quickly.
In this article, we would therefore like to present a few of the best bedtime rituals for babies and answer questions such as “when should I start a baby bedtime ritual?” and “Which bedtime rituals are best during the day?”
Why are sleep rituals so important for babies?
Newborns don’t yet have a regular day-night schedule because they’re still following the rhythm of the prenatal processes they got used to while in the womb. Babies therefore sleep whenever they feel tired, which doesn’t always happen at night, of course. In addition, newborns sleep 16 to 18 hours a day, which shows that they need a lot of rest.
Babies' sleep periods are much shorter than those of adults, usually lasting only a few hours at a time. These occur more frequently throughout the day, however. To help children find a better rhythm, a repetitive routine with certain rituals is a good idea.
Bedtime rituals help babies to calm down before going to sleep and give them a sense of familiarity and security. Once the routine is established, they develop certain expectations and are better able to adjust to bedtime.
Baby bedtime rituals - when should you start?
Although newborns don’t yet know the difference between day and night, it’s still helpful to start these rituals as soon as possible after birth. When they’re about six months old, most babies know when the day begins and when it ends; around this time, their bedtime also gradually moves later and later into the night. If you start introducing bedtime rituals before they’re six months, it should help the child to orientate itself better and learn the difference between night and day more quickly.
To put your child in the right mindset for sleep, it’s best to start calming and slowing things down about an hour before bedtime. If possible, avoid any exciting activities in the evening, as these wake the little ones up again. It can sometimes lead to your baby sleeping badly at night, as it has to process so many new and exciting things.
Sleep rituals during the day
When parents put their child down for a nap during the day, many assume that the room should be dark and noise kept to a minimum. While there are good reasons for darkening the room, because darkness makes babies produce more of the sleep hormone melatonin, also called the sleep hormone, the lack of light and stimuli might make it harder for the child to develop a regular day-night rhythm or to sleep in a noisy environment.
If your child is particularly bright and energetic, it’s a good idea to make the room a little darker and turn the noise level down, as the quiet can help them to switch off more quickly. For babies and toddlers who have no problems sleeping in a bright room, you don’t have to take any special measures at naptime.
What are the best bedtime rituals?
There are, of course, a lot of bedtime rituals for babies and every family has their own strategies for getting the baby to fall asleep. That said, it’s important to try out all the different rituals and find out which one suits your baby best, because every baby is different and the rituals should be adapted to your baby's personal needs.
Below, we’ll present a few ideas that you can try out at home.
Breastfeeding before bedtime
Many babies find it particularly easy to fall asleep while on the breast. With newborns, this ritual does not cause any problems because most of the day consists of sleeping and eating. When the baby gets a little older, it is best to transition to other rituals, because the baby learns to associate nursing with sleep and it becomes difficult for them to find their way to sleep without breastfeeding. Once your baby reaches a certain age, you can try putting them to bed awake and you can try an alternative.
A warm bath before bedtime
A warm bath can help both adults and babies relax and fall asleep. Many children can fall asleep all by themselves after a bath, provided they’re dressed warm enough to be comfortable. However, some children become even more hyper after the bath, so be sure to try this ritual out first.
Storytime or a lullaby
Reading a story not only helps children fall asleep better, it also helps them learn new words and remember them faster. In addition, children whose parents or caregivers read to them daily should have more fun reading by themselves when they get older. Alternatively, you can sing a calming lullaby to your child in the evening if you notice that it soothes and relaxes them.
Baby massage
An evening massage is an excellent bedtime ritual for babies because it offers a number of benefits. A massage not only strengthens the physical relationship between you and your child, but also helps your baby to become more aware of his or her own body.
A successful baby massage should follow a repetitive sequence. It is best to start with the feet and legs, as this allows your baby to watch what’s happening. You can then move on to the tummy, then to the chest and arms, hands, and face. Last but not least, you can put the baby on their tummy and massage their little back.
Cuddle time in the evening
Physical contact is incredibly important for babies, their development and helps to provide a sense of security. Feeling a parent's warmth and hearing their familiar voice soothes children and helps them fall asleep faster.
When your child is out of infancy, you can also place a snuggle cloth or stuffed animal in bed with them so that they don't feel so alone. It’s best to start with this from the fourth month onward, because this is when babies begin to perceive themselves as individuals separate from their parents and increasingly feel a sense of loneliness.
Snuggle cloths from Zizzz for safe and relaxed baby sleep
A cuddle cloth is ideal for giving babies a feeling of confidence and closeness. A stuffed animal might be still too big or heavy for most babies to pick up on their own. Cuddle cloths also help the baby to develop their fine motor skills, such as the grasping reflex.
For this reason, we make cuddle cloths made from soft organic cotton and pure new wool from sheep raised in the Swiss Alps. The cotton is 100% natural and has been certified with the GOTS organic seal. We offer our cuddle bunny with or without a coloured neckerchief. In addition, we also offer our cuddle cloth in a cute cow design.
Sleep rituals for babies help children to fall asleep faster and sleep through the night better. They provide security and help babies feel relaxed. Routines allow babies to adjust mentally to the sleep phase and learn the difference between day and night more quickly. You should find out for yourself which ritual works best for your baby, because every child is different.
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